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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Patch My PC Publisher

Showing 551 of 2893
821 VOTE

Automatically uninstall other editions of the same product

Uninstall other editions detected on the device that isn't the deployed application. For example: if the customer deploys 7-Zip 64bit MSI application as required to a device, and the device has 7-Zip 32bit EXE or any other flavour of 7-Zip install...
Adam Cook over 2 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 16 SUBMITTED
547 VOTE

Support ARM architecture

A number of applications in the Patch My PC catalog offer ARM architecture support and this seems to be gaining popularity. A couple examples I've noticed thus far are Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client, Sysmon just released ARM support this ...
Shane Conner over 2 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 13 PLANNED
511 VOTE

Allow multiple copies of app for different configurations

Allow creating multiple copies of an application so that you can have different configurations of the application. For example, if an application is licensed with a post-script, but different departments have a separate license for the app, it w...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 35 SUBMITTED
220 VOTE

Support Remotely Changing the Publishing Service Settings from Another Device

I'm not sure if this is too much of a stretch, would over-complicate things or even possible but figured I'd put it out there. It'd be nice to have a single pane of glass to work from, even if it was only the commonly used features eg Update Rules...
Steven Walch over 5 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 22 FUTURE CONSIDERATION
206 VOTE

Add detection capability for file info

Detection methods supported in the generic detection script (PowerShell) - only work for MSI or Registry. One application, Adobe Digital Editions, currently can only be properly detected by looking at an info attribute of the installed exe file, s...
Apackager Aga over 3 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 23 SUBMITTED
164 VOTE

Intune: Add support for app supersedence

Instead of just creating a new app and deleting the old one, please add support for using intune app supersedence in addition to the options to remove previous apps. Supersedence relationships can be created when adding or modifying a Win32 app wi...
Jan Ketil Skanke over 3 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 5 SUBMITTED
122 VOTE

Separate Sync Schedule for Apps vs Patches

It would be nice to allow Apps to sync once a week while patches could sync every day. Scenario: Schedule set to daily at 2:00am. Patches and Apps sync and distribute to all DPs (how we have it configured). Content transfer gets deep queue and dur...
Guest over 5 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 11 SUBMITTED
100 VOTE

Notification after success installation.

As part of the Manage Conflicting Processes\Notification Policies for updates, add an option to show a notification pop-up after the installation of the update has completed. Users don't know how long an update installation will take after allowin...
Guest over 1 year ago in Patch My PC Publisher 5 SUBMITTED

Option to create custom detection rule/method

We would like to have an option to create a custom detection rule for some applications. E.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader gets updated automatically but I don't want to offer this application as "new" to our users, since everything will get updated event...
Sebastian Schaal almost 3 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 13 SUBMITTED

Handle or Manage Application Prerequisites (Dependency)

Patch My PC should be able to handle application prerequisites, for example: Apple iTunes requires Apple Bonjour to be installed before installation success is possible The same is true of TechSmith's Snagit and Microsoft WebView2 runtime. The Pat...
Andrew Jimenez almost 3 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 7 SUBMITTED