A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
An option to block certain apps from being deployed in a company, to prevent mistakes (prefferable together with an explanation and an override option).
We have been loving the Autodesk patching. Another package we would love to see is Autodesk Fabrication. We use: Fabrication CADmep Fabrication CAMduct Fabrication ESTmep This would be very helpful. Thanks.
User notification progress bar when utilizing the Conflicting Process right click option
If i deploy an app/update and have enabled the Conflicting process option to prompt the user it would be nice to have an option for the UINotification process to provide a progress bar. Example: Zoom app is deployed with conflicting process option...
Set logging to a different directory - PMPC Cloud Currently, the logs are saved under %programdata%\PatchMyPCIntuneLogs.Please provide an option to allow logs to be saved to a different location.
This App is used by our Help Desk to verify if drivers need to be updated on workstations when end users call in about sound or network issues or if the end user damages their workstation they can easily determine if the laptop is under warranty t...