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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Showing 2975

Publish to a private WinGet repository in addition to SCCM / Intune

We host a private WinGet repository ( for our AVD environment to use. We host the Installer files on an Azure blob storage as ZIP files and the Winget client on our AVD machines download and extra...
Christopher Moore about 1 year ago in Patch My PC Publisher 2 SUBMITTED

Add support for Tailscale on ARM

As we head into the era of ✨Copilot+ PCs✨ using Qualcomm Snapdragon X processors, we must be able to continue patching apps on those machines with native versions. Therefore, I request that the Tailscale for ARM be added to Patch My PC.
Chris Weinkauf 8 months ago in Application Request (Windows) 1 NOTED

Reduce icon sizes for ConfigMgr apps from 256px to 110px and Detection Script size to workaround a CMG bug where BITSs fails to download some CI's

When CI's are downloaded over a CMG, BITS will sometimes fail to download the CI if the base64 length of the icon in the application xml exceeds 40k. Having the option to reduce the size of icons from 256px to 110px should go some way to alleviate...
Ben Whitmore over 1 year ago in Patch My PC Publisher 2 STARTED

Add iSpring Suite 11 Application

Please add the iSping Suite application to Scappman
Guest 10 months ago in Application Request (Windows) 0 SUBMITTED

Sharegate Migration Tool

Sharegate is a licensed solution used to migrate files to SharePoint. The app requires frequent updates that require our administrators to package and deploy as our users do not have the permissions to do so
Trent Brewerton about 2 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 4 SUBMITTED

Please add Open Virtualization Format (OVF) Tool from Broadcom to the catalogue

I guess a lot of customer user Open Virtualization Format (OVF) Tool from Broadcom, VMware OVF Tool is a command-line utility that helps you import and export OVF packages to and from many VMware products. I n order to maintain application life cy...
Guest 7 months ago in Application Request (Windows) 1 SUBMITTED

BeyondTrust Privilege Management

Please could you consider including BeyondTrust Privilege Management for Windows in your application catalogue.
Craig McPhail about 3 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 2 SUBMITTED

Zebra Setup Utilities

These free Setup Utilities will enhance your out-of-the-box printer experience by enabling you to quickly and easily configure select Zebra industrial, mobile and desktop printers.
Chris Hardstaff about 2 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 3 SUBMITTED


Npcap is required by Wireshark to perform captures. Wireshark is updated by Patch My PC, but Npcap is not. I assume this is because it doesn't offer a silent install, but it would be helpful to be able to automatically distribute it even if user i...
Guest about 3 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 6 STARTED

Eclipse IDE

We have a lot of internal developers that would like to use this IDE tool.
Mathias Ottsen over 3 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 7 NO GO :(