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Created by Guest
Created on Mar 8, 2021

Cisco Webex Teams for VDI

Cisco Webex Teams for VDI is a different MSI and needs its own updates package. We are running into issues where VDIs are updating the alternate MSI updates meant for physical devices, and breaking.

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  • Guest
    May 30, 2022

    Seriously guys how awesome are you ? Thanks so much for helping us.

    i.A.Hans Lingg | IT Management

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    Von: Patch My PC (Adam Cook) <>
    Gesendet: Sonntag, 29. Mai 2022 09:07
    An: Lingg, Hans
    Betreff: Status von Cisco Webex Teams for VDI wurde zu SHIPPED ge��ndert

    Antworten Sie auf diese Nachricht und Ihre Antwort wird zur Idee hinzugef��gt

    [Patch My PC Feature and Application Request]

    Cisco Webex Teams for VDI hat Status ge��ndert zu: SHIPPED

    Cisco Webex Teams for VDI is a different MSI and needs its own updates package. We are running into issues where VDIs are updating the alternate MSI updates meant for physical devices, and breaking.

    Idee ansehen

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  • Chad Hill
    May 27, 2022

    Yep, sorry Adam; I was thinking of/posting about Microsoft Teams. Please disregard that post...

  • Guest
    May 27, 2022

    You are welcome Adam. If you need any assistance or want to test it together within our Citrix enviroment, feel free to contact me any time.

  • Admin
    Adam Cook
    May 27, 2022

    Awesome, thanks for your help Hans! I'll investigate this ASAP. With that it looks like I need a VDI client for testing otherwise it won't install. I'll try it out on WVD which the installer suggests it should work.

  • Guest
    May 27, 2022

    Hey Adam,

    thanks fort he fast respons and sorry for beeing not specific enought. The Innstallers we are talking about would be the ���Webex APP VDI Plugin 64 Bit) which would be the msi Installer or if you prefer the exe installer, that would be the ���Bundled VDI Plugin 64 Bit (which contains the Webex Meetings VDI Component on top).

  • Admin
    Adam Cook
    May 27, 2022

    Thanks Hans.

    If I keyword search that webpage for "webex vdi component", there isn't a match. There are a few different options to download and install, and It's unclear what this request is for from that download page:

    • Webex App (seems to be formally named "HVD Installer")

    • Webex App VDI Plugin (seems to be formally named the "Think-client Plugin")

    • Bundled VDI Plugin

    Which one? If the first, that's the installer which is undisguisable in the registry from the normal Webex Teams client.

  • Guest
    May 27, 2022

    Hey Guys,

    maybe I can offer some help here. What we would love to see within PMP ist the Webex VDI Component. This component is needed on the client, so the connection from the client tot he webex session within the vdi system works and is optimized. You can get the install files here:

    Webex VDI available for download

    There is an msi file and an exe installer available and to clarify webex teams is what is now only called webex

  • Admin
    Adam Cook
    May 26, 2022

    Are you suggesting we create arbitrary reg keys upon installation and base detection off of that? That's not currently how our apps/updates work, we currently very much depend on how a vendor presents its installer to Windows. If we implemented something like that it would require much more consideration around manageability of those registry keys to reduce risk of false positives throughout a device's lifecycle.

    The link you gave is for Microsoft Teams for VDI. This is for Webex Teams for VDI. If there's relevance here, I'm sorry, but I don't see it?

    Is this request for the HVD installer, or the plugins?

  • Chad Hill
    May 26, 2022

    It looks like this may have changed. Dependent on the system being used, it may need a reg key set on install. I suppose this could be useful from a patchmypc standpoint to have something that's easily selectable depending on the environment.

  • Admin
    Adam Cook
    May 26, 2022

    Is this request for the HVD installer, or the plugins? The HVD installer is seemingly identical in the registry compared to the non-VDI WebEx Teams.

  • Guest
    May 13, 2022


  • Yoann SOMME
    Apr 27, 2022


  • Chad Hill
    May 18, 2021


  • Claudio Mendes
    Mar 13, 2021


  • +12

Add Cisco Webex Meetings Virtual Desktop Plug-in

Please add Cisco Webex Meetings Virtual Desktop Plug-in to catalog.
Juan Loredo over 3 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 1 SHIPPED