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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Categories Patch My PC Cloud
Created by Michael Hazelden
Created on Nov 11, 2024

Discovery - ignore or mute option

We might choose to manage our apps through a range of different options - e.g. the new Microsoft Store - but discovery picks up those apps. If we can ignore the discovery because we know it's managed through a different route (or because we don't want to manage it) - that would be awesome. Otherwise we have to scan the whole list to find the new items when they pop up.

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  • Michael Hazelden
    Dec 2, 2024

    Agreed with Jason - removing/hiding the versions when we're patching to latest would be very useful. It's a 'wood for the trees' problem. The initial scan of our environment produced over 200 apps to review - but ~50-60 of those were 'here are 5-10 possible versions of that app' (which is fantastic flexability) - but once I've made my choice I need to remove that noise.

  • Jason Lenaghan
    Nov 11, 2024

    Not to mention when you pick a certain version of an app, or select the latest option, all the other options still stay in the list. A way to hide those you select would be fantastic

  • +14

Hide / Mute unmanaged discovered apps

As PaMP always needs deployments to start updates, the Discovery > Unmanaged list is some kind of recurring working list. However, there are always special apps that shall not be handled by any patching process (e.g. development libraries, ...)...
Matthias Fleschütz 3 months ago in Patch My PC Cloud 0 SUBMITTED