A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Separate one-off sync to WSUS/Intune App/Intune Update
Like many I guess, we use the product to patch different environments - clients managed by Intune, servers on-prem patched by WSUS, usually with different app or patching requirements. It would be useful to be able to publish to, say, just WSUS, o...
Hi, We are trying to integrate WinSCP using PatchMyPc, but we found that most of the configurations for this product are HKCU registry keys. You are possible aware that opening user profiles in a Post-Script, may corrupt some of the existing user ...
Currently setting Manage Conflicting Processes at the top level automatically applies to all products in the catalogue and you can opt products out of that option. Alternatively if you only want Manage Conflicting Processes for a handful of produc...
Automatic Deployment Computer Collections for ConfigMgr Apps
For ConfigMgr Apps OptionsCan you add an option to create a collection and deploy the application automatically to it? We do this currently with our scripting - this way, our helpdesk is trained to find a collection for the application and add the...
Feature Request - Custom Severity tag in ConfigMgr, per product
I have a particular need to sort products into custom severity groups. I was wondering if it would be possible in the future to have the PatchMyPC tool actually populate the custom severity field in ConfigMgr for a product, for each of its release...
Please add a way to preview the Selective Sync apps before clicking the " Run Publishing Service Sync" or have the PatchMyPC.log update to list XXXapp added to selective sync.
Allow mimic of the PSAD toolkit for prompts to close, defer, and update success toasts so we can package our own in house apps and keep everything seamless. Someone else requested this during MMSBEACH
I think it would be handy to have the option to just show the apps we have selected on the various Patch My PC - Publishg Settings window. More often than not I find myself going in to adjust an existing app update than selecting a new app to patch.
Allow Customized email notifications on patch acquistion
I really like the email you all send out with the publishing service after new software is acquired however... i woke up this morning thinking wow they could do so much more with that piece that would help me (and i assume others) -- anyway here i...
Change detection of Adobe Reader DC 32-bit to consider it to be installed if the 64-bit Reader is already installed
Adobe is migrating all Reader DC to 64-bit and we don't want 32-bit to overwrite 64-bit. We can do this manually but changing the script would be most helpful. Probably true for most apps - bypass the 32-bit version if 64-bit is already there.