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Reporting (Advanced Insights)

Showing 78 of 2876

Send chart data to email on schedule

Automatically send chart data based on schedule for some automation tasks
Guest over 1 year ago in Reporting (Advanced Insights) 4 STARTED

Integration with ScalePad Lifecycle Insights

Would like to request an integration for MSPs. Once Advanced Insights is available with Intune, could you consider integrating it with ScalePad Lifecycle Insights? The goal is to have license counts, stats, etc. As an MSP, streamlining this inform...
Robert Gerow about 2 months ago in Reporting (Advanced Insights) 0 SUBMITTED

Add Filtering and Default Exclusions to Local Admins Report

Seeing as most machines are all members of Domain Admins and all have a local Administrator account, could we get a default filter that removes these from the report? Also, if you enable the filter to show the local Administrator account, could th...
Paul Andrews 8 months ago in Reporting (Advanced Insights) 0 STARTED

Modify OS Uptime Report

Currently the OS Uptime report, shows all systems and their uptime, however this is not necessarily correct. Need filter for inactive or offline systems. Looked at one employee where he has two systems, one system that stays in the office the othe...
Paul Andrews 8 months ago in Reporting (Advanced Insights) 0 STARTED

Update Compliance Status - Barchart

Please allow us to create a custom dashboard based on Update Compliance Status - barchart.We have the datagrid, but we'd like to build a bar chart.
Liviu Barbat 7 months ago in Reporting (Advanced Insights) 0 NO GO :(

Advanced Insights automatic updates

Allow admins to enable automatic updates for Advanced Insights or add an option to update from within the portal. Currently, any updates would have to be installed manually.The only wait to find out if there is a newer version available is to chec...
Liviu Barbat 5 months ago in Reporting (Advanced Insights) 0

Filter/hide items in Collections drop-down

We have quite a few collections that are used in the background for compliance/reporting/filtering, that clutter the otherwise extremely useful collections drop-down in Advanced Insights console. It would be extremely helpful to have a mechanism t...
Phil Dowell 2 months ago in Reporting (Advanced Insights) 0 NOTED

Inventory AppX Packages and their versions in Advanced Insights

We're getting lots of alerts on Crowdstrike for Windows Store / AppX packages having vulnerabilities. We allow clients to connect to the Store / Manage with Intune to update. Crowdstrike has a lot of noise with sensors that need to age out etc. so...
Kevin McCarthy 4 months ago in Reporting (Advanced Insights) 0 STARTED

Insights into more Dell Hardware

Since all our platforms are Dell, and the DSIA Agent is installed on all devices, i would love to get more hardware info from the devices. Specifically Dell Docking and their firmware/serial so we can keep track of the type of docking and warrant ...
Thomas over 1 year ago in Reporting (Advanced Insights) 5 STARTED

Add Support for Single Sign-on

While its great to be able to connect to Active Directory or even Azure Active Directory you still need to enter your username and password. Would be great if you could extend Single Sign-on so you don't have re-enter credentials to the site.
Paul Andrews over 1 year ago in Reporting (Advanced Insights) 3 NOTED