A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Show example secret and key for Dell Warranty config in advanced insights.
Show an example Dell Warranty API key in the documentation. The Dell site has the secret wrapped in () which the advanced insights config page will take, but won't work to download any Warranty data.
Allow mimic of the PSAD toolkit for prompts to close, defer, and update success toasts so we can package our own in house apps and keep everything seamless. Someone else requested this during MMSBEACH
Configure Software Updates -> Microsoft Updates page work without Internet connection
Microsoft Update display doesn't work now without the clients having direct Internet Access. Microsoft has this ability in the Windows update API, we use it for offline update catalog scanning.Please see: Using WUA to Scan for Updates Offline - Wi...
I think it would be handy to have the option to just show the apps we have selected on the various Patch My PC - Publishg Settings window. More often than not I find myself going in to adjust an existing app update than selecting a new app to patch.
Allow Customized email notifications on patch acquistion
I really like the email you all send out with the publishing service after new software is acquired however... i woke up this morning thinking wow they could do so much more with that piece that would help me (and i assume others) -- anyway here i...