A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Hello, usefull feature would be to add the language the applications should be installed in, like the standard language configuration in PMPC v4. Cheerio
Currently in advanced insights the update compliance dashboard only shows of critical and security compliance, but clicking into the asset will show "updates" such as 3rd party updates. This allows the main dashboard to show 100% compliant, instea...
There's a reason why Microsoft had to buckle, and readd the 'compact view' to File Explorer... Because it's unusable without it! And they were incredibly dumb for removing it in the first place. A case of form over function, that killed it's funct...
Catalog Apps seem to come with a pre-defined install parameter set. It would be great if these could be changed (e.g. to remove "/SILENT" switches to allow users to manipulate setup parameters, especially on apps for developers etc.) reset to stan...